Jan 19
Officials of Puerto Rico on Friday unveiled a summary of account balances for the debt-ridden territory's various instrumentalities and touted a push for more transparency, amid heightened scrutiny over the recent discovery of nearly $7 billion i read more
Jan 19
Toys R Us’ unsecured creditors and the U.S. Trustee’s office have asked a Virginia bankruptcy court to deny requests to hire new financial advisers for the debtors, arguing they are unnecessary, conflicted and released from too much liabi read more
Jan 19
The New Jersey Appellate Division on Friday affirmed a lower court's finding that a Michigan state road agency can't reopen a Garden State insurer's decadesold liquidation case in order to recoup payouts from car crash claims, ruling that the inso read more
Jan 19
Facing securities charges in Florida in an alleged $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme and under pressure to accept trustee oversight in Delaware, bankrupt Woodbridge Group of Companies reported the resignation of its original independent manager and planned d read more
Jan 19
After winning a $213 million judgment against billionaire industrialist Ira Rennert and his RenCo Group Inc. for allegedly plundering a bankrupt subsidiary, Beus Gilbert PLLC wants its money, telling a New York bankruptcy court Friday its $88 million read more